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In the Catholic school’s educational project there is no separation between time for learning and time for formation, between acquiring notions and growing in wisdom. The various school subjects do not present only knowledge to be attained, but also values to be acquired and truths to be discovered.

(The Catholic School on the Threshold of The Third Millennium, 14)

Rooted in the charism of St. Vincent de Paul, 5th-8th graders at St. Patrick School meet throughout the year for service projects, nursing home visits, and charitable works to benefit their neighbor.

Boys are eligible to become altar servers in 2nd grade after they have received their First Holy Communion. They are trained by the pastor, or someone he appoints. Parents who allow their son to become an altar server assume the responsibility for enabling him to be punctual and dependable.       

The National Junior Honors Society serves as our student council and initiates, plans, and works on projects that support the school, parish, and local community. It provides the members with opportunities to develop leadership skills in promoting school spirit and in-service activities.  Officers are elected by the NJHS for the following offices: President, Vice President, and Secretary.

St. Patrick Singers was a new club added in 2024. Assisting at weekly All-School Mass, St. Patrick's Singers have also led the worship music at weekend Masses in McEwen and Dickson.

Open to students in K-5th grade, the Young Apostles are a group of children dedicated to putting the Gospel into action. Once a month they gather to do service projects or to contribute to making our school and school community a better place as Jesus asked.

Every Spring, students have the opporunity to participate in Drama club. With costumes, a rehearsal schedule, and a fantastic show at the end, children experience the collaboration and hard work necessary to put on a high quality performance. Past shows include Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz, and Lion King.

The Spring 2025 production will be Willy Wonka Jr.